
Hello world! · 6 min read


Blogging is admittedly kind of old-school nowadays. I might as well be writing notes on punch cards or uploading files to a BBS! Despite being passe there are definitely still a lot of benefits to putting my ideas on the internet. My main motivation is that publicly documenting things tends to mean that I do a better job in comparison to more private notes, and blogging makes it easier (for me) to stumble upon via future searches. Yes - it feels weird to make content on a site so I can later find my own content via google, but that's the way it works out best for me. ...

Why did I choose eleventy / netlify? · 5 min read


This wouldn't be a tech blog without some obsessive navel-gazing, now would it? I doubt anyone really cares how this site is hosted, but just in case - here's my justification for choosing 11ty and netlify! I've been meaning to start a blog/portfolio site for almost two years now. I looked into all sort of jam stack solutions, thought about coding something up from scratch, and even considered just writing bare html. I didn't want to go with wordpress because that feels like a cop out (even though it is definitely the 2nd best option) Ultimately I chose eleventy hosted on netlify for a few reasons: ...

Are templates bad? · 6 min read


I'm a person who is continuously trying to find more efficient ways to write code. I'm also not a person who is great at remembering all the syntax of a given language, so I often build templates. At work we have some boilerplate functions that read and write values to the redux global state, and **writing it all from scratch in addition to the react function boilerplate every time is wildly inefficient**. ...

Threat modeling 101 · 8 min read


I was lucky this week to be able to attend 2 days of threat modeling training. I didn't even know all that much about it before volunteering but I knew the company doing it also does penetration tests so I was IN. Ultimately it was really cool, taught me a lot, and gave me so many more things that I want to learn about now! ...